Being a Scorpio

A highly popular revered astrology sign is the Scorpio. This sun sign is for people born between October 23 – November 21, while itself being the eighth sign in zodiac. With astrology insight into Scorpios, there is a better understanding of people under this sign. Scorpios are well known for exhibiting passion, intuition and sexual prominence. They also have a never ending desire for ‘breaking down’ or ‘getting to bottom of things’. Scorpios are ruled by Mars and Pluto where Mars is God of War with Pluto being god of underworld. These two twin aspects of a Scorpio are naturally seen as more reason to their fury and affinity for darker things.

A Scorpio’s passion can form a burning fire in eyes, and when they find something they are passionate about then stopping or slowing them is futile. Almost similar to stopping a freight train. They are not passionate of productive things; they also have self destructive behaviors and sometimes sting themselves. This is natural to the style and passion of a Scorpio. It flows directly to personal relations they have as well as characteristic of being totally for you or totally against you. Either they would care for person or not care at all. With such a passion is also the added fact that when it translates to loyalty, it is rewarding but if crossed, the same passion is turning into an intense unbridled conquest to revenge.

It is a common saying for Scorpios, “still waters run deep.” For one Scorpios are water sign and their general aura is of something real deep stirring beneath surface of their person. For a Scorpio being still and silent means they are analyzing every core of you, and it would not take long for them to peg the person you are. This is because they are naturally intuitive and pulling wool over a Scorpio is not an easy task. They make great spies or detectives as they like to investigate things. However only because Scorpios are keen to have insight of things would not mean they do not do anything foolish, in many instances they have been known to do foolish things and do it anyway.

Scorpios are well known and about their sexual nature they can be highly intense of all zodiac signs. This intensity can be attributed to overall passion though it is also due to their thirst and obsession with mortality. The Scorpios would go for beginnings and endings of things which directly play an important part in what sex means for them. Since it is means of life origins, it is essentially a spiritual act for Scorpios. It makes the act even more serious as life and death for them. This act is more important than anything else in Scorpios life while it can sometimes overtake everything else.

Scorpios are rules by Pluto which is god of underworld. This provides them an innate fascination and curiosity for dark things such as occult. They have natural desire to explore darker realms of their selves and others. In addition, Scorpios would want to go into the things that are happening, to get under surface and beneath of occurrences. Scorpios like to get to bottom of things fully; they would relentlessly probe and investigate until it makes perfect sense for things they are passionate about. They make good lawyers and detectives.

Scorpios are a powerful zodiac sign, who possess really unique and interesting character traits. Most significant aspect of Scorpios is ability for regeneration. Scorpios have profound ability to renew, recharge and make themselves reborn. This applies to every area of their life, health, career etc. Main symbol to recognize Scorpios is the scorpion; also another symbol associated is Phoenix, a mythical bird of flames that rises to fly forth from burned ashes.

scorpios, passion, passionate, zodiac, person, naturally, surface, career astrology,

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